What is the Anahata Chakra ?

In the last article, we discussed Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra.  In this article, we are going to discuss Heart or Anahata Chakra. The word  ‘ANAHATA’  generally relates to a sound or a naada.  The Anahata naad is a sound of the celestial realm.  Anahata means unstruck or unbeaten.  Anahata naada is not caused by … Read more

26 Reiki Points For Self Treatment – Refresh Yourself Everyday-[Updated]

Scroll Down to Checkout the latest Free Downloads Reiki I –  is the base or foundation of the Spiritual Healing Energy – Reiki.  Reiki I is the introduction of this healing energy, Reiki.  Reiki I explain in detail how to apply Reiki in person or hands-on Reiki.  Reiki I student has to practice these 26 Reiki … Read more

What is the Sahastrar Chakra ?

  In the Chakra Series, this is the seventh Chakra, and its name is the SAHASTRAR CHAKRA, What is the Sahastrar Chakra ?  Let’s find out.. SAHASTRA is a Sanskrit word which means thousand, Sahastrar here it means a lotus with a thousand petals.  Vedic terminology highlighted for its symbolic language, it’s always been mystical or … Read more

What is the Third Chakra ?

We have discussed the first two chakras, Mooladhar/Root and Swadhisthana/ Sacral Chakra so far, so now what is the Third Chakra? The Third Chakra’s original Sanskrit name is MANIPUR CHAKRA.  It is made of two Sanskrit words MANI (Jewel) and PUR (City), so the literal meaning of Manipur Chakra is City of Jewels.  It is … Read more

What is the Sacral Chakra ?

Hey Friends, Now we have the basic information about the Mooladhara or Root Chakra, now let’s see the second chakra Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra. If you are new to this Chakra Series, I would recommend you to start with Chakra and Endocrine System, so you will know the foundation of the Chakra system. The second … Read more

What is the Root Chakra ?

Updated: May 2021. When I started the series on Chakra and Endocrine Glands, the first and very obvious question I get asked was What is the Root Chakra?  It’s very natural to get this question whenever somebody is introduced to Yoga, Reiki or similar healing energy techniques. What is the Root Chakra? The original name of … Read more

Chakra and Endocrine System

Chakra and Endocrine system, are totally different things altogether, but then how they are related to each other, how do they work, and what are their respective role? Let’s see… Chakras Chakra is a Sanskrit word, which means a wheel or a circle or a spinning wheel of light, vortex, or whirlpool.  As terminology for … Read more